Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest - Nintendo 3DS
Two versions of the franchise's new installment offer players an unprecedented choice: fight an opposing force or join the other side and try to make changes from within. For the first time in the series, players take on the role of the main character and command an army, while struggling to decide which path to follow: helping blood relatives or the family that raised him or her.
User Experience : I will try to be as spoiler free in this review as possible. Things said will be from Nintendo trailers and gameplay released on their youtube channel. If something contains a spoiler I will leave a warning.*

In Fire Emblem Fates you play as a customizable avatar that is drawn into a war between the Kingdoms of Hoshido(Birthplace) and Nohr (adopted home). The Hoshido live in a scenic village by a lake and are loyal to the Dawn Dragon, while the Nohr live in a dark gothic like castle and are loyal to the Dusk Dragon. Right off the bat it’s easy to see who is the “good” and “bad” sides to this war, but you picked Conquest so it’s the adopted family you’ll be siding with. Camila, Leo, Elise and Xander make up the Nohr royals and together you’ll form a powerful family. Will you take down the Hoshido royals or try and change Nohr from the inside?

Up until Chapter 6 Birthright and Conquest play exactly the same way. It is in this chapter that you will make your decision and side with Nohr.

I picked Conquest what should I expect?

Conquest will play more like Fire Emblem (7,8,9) in the series than Awakening. What I mean by this is that you have to manage your units more carefully because you won’t get many chances to farm experience,gold or relationships if you don’t manage your time carefully. In past Fire Emblems this was the norm and in Conquest it is making a return. This is great for people who want more of a challenge and choose to do things like “Iron Man” runs and what not. Conquest is more about character placement and always thinking ahead, "If I move my unit here, will he be safe next turn?" People who say this game is unfair just need to realize Conquest is all about strategy and less about steamrolling everything in your path. Classes like Paladins, Beserkers and Knights will all be available in the game, but you’ll also get to see new classes like the Butler or Maid class. If you want more of the new classes and an easier experience complete with farming and bulding experience like a mad man than you should pick Hoshido.

Is this like Pokemon’s releases? Will I only get different characters?

Fire Emblem’s Fates release will be compared to Pokemon’s standard way of releasing different versions, but it’s far from it. With Pokemon you will get a handful of different Pokemon and a couple of items you can’t get in the other version. In Fire Emblem Fates you get a whole different game. Since this is a Conquest review I will stick to this version alone.

In Conquest there is more of a variety of objections to completing a mission. Defend this, take over this, survive for xx turns and the usual route the enemy, etc. Conquest plays more like the Fire Emblem’s people wanted Awakening to be and for this reason alone I see it better than Birthright. Of course, you’ll see characters like Arthur and Charlotte you can’t get in Birthright, but some classes and items are exclusive as well. Maps will be recycled between the two, but Conquest seems to have bigger maps and harder battle conditions which is what you want if you’re seeking a decent challenge.

If I picked Conquest should I buy Hoshido as well?

If you’re a Fire Emblem fan the easy answer is yes. The games play differently and it’s nice to experience the two sides of the war before March 10th when the Revelation DLC releases and you’ll get to pick neither side and see the “true ending”.

Where’s the fourth option? I want to smash!

That option was removed due to so many people choosing it over the others.

I’ve played Awakening. What new features are in this game?

Phoenix Mode- This mode is basically super easy mode. Once a unit “dies” it will respond the next turn. Send in unit after unit to be slaughtered by a overpowered bandit and they will come back to life the following turn. Maybe when they come back you can send them to finish off that pesky bandit?

New Weapon Triangle- The weapon triangle has been revamped. Swords and magic > axes and bows > lances and concealed weapons > swords and magic

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